Woman with natural glow and long hair holding a green leaf representing clean beauty covered in this weeks issue of Eco Friendly News.
Nov 27, 2023
weekly eco news

Embarking on an Ecological Journey: Clean Beauty, Indigenous Resilience, and Plastic Pollution Negotiations Illuminate the Tapestry - 3rd Issue

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Clean beauty industry faces new transparency demands

Woman with natural glow and long hair holding a green leaf representing clean beauty.

Over 65% of beauty shoppers, particularly younger generations, are on the hunt for clean ingredients in their products. Though as the demand skyrocketed, the regulations did not follow suit until now. This month, the FDA joined the clean beauty movement, requiring makers to annually register cosmetic products and their ingredients. 

It is time for brands to take ownership of their products and provide customers with the information to make an educated choice for themselves. 

Currently, the definition of clean beauty is influenced more by popular platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok, than by industry regulations. This can lead to misinformation due to lack of credibility behind the camera. Major retailers introduced their own programs to address the demand and challenge to find eco-friendly and sustainable products.

The FDA’s move is a step forward. Yet, clean advocates suggest more action to further protect consumers. These include rigorous safety tests of products with limited data, standardized labels for common ingredients, and public education campaigns to increase awareness. 

Dive deeper into the state of clean beauty and its steps toward regulation on the RetailDive.

Isle of Man college launches sustainable fashion courses

University College Isle of Man campus teaching sustainable fashion courses. Image taken from BBC.
Image by BBC.com

Ready to revamp your wardrobe? University College Isle of Man (UCM) is set to launch two new courses that will teach adults how to transform old clothing into fresh new threads. The six-hour classes guide students through upcycling old shirts and jackets and repurposing denim materials.

“The art of upcycling transforms discarded materials into new treasures that contribute to a sustainable future,” said Julie Edge, Minister for Education Sport and Culture.

The classes are part of UCM's efforts to support continuous learning opportunities within their community and promote sustainable practices. 

Find more information about these eco-friendly courses on BBC

Indigenous peoples more vulnerable in climate crisis, states new U.S. report

Aerial view of the Molokai island and its peninsula

Coincided with Native American Heritage month, the latest National Climate Assessment, highlighted the climate burden on Indigenous communities due to generations of land theft through colonization and other cultural abuses. 

The findings: Relocated peoples are exposed to harsher climate realities. Extreme weather events, such as wildfires, droughts, and floods, threaten historic sites, cultural practices, and food supplies. Their response efforts are often weakened by limited funds and politics. 

The conclusion: Not only do Indigenous peoples bear the brunt of climate change's effects, but they also hold the ancestral knowledge to help alleviate its impacts. Native people lead over one thousand climate change strategies across the nation. 

The solution: Give the original caretakers of these landscapes more freedom, and support, to respond to the climate crisis on their own terms. The report emphasized that Indigenous self-determination is a key climate solution. 

Get the details about the climate report’s conclusions around the impacts on Native communities at the Grist

Oil spill in Gulf of Mexico poses threat to endangered species

Aerial view of response vessel traveling over oil spillage area  in the gulf of Mexico. Image by U.S. Coast Guard.
Image by U.S. Coast Guard, and Clean Gulf Associates.

Officials are worried about the impact on endangered species after approximately 1.1 million gallons of crude oil leaked into the ocean off the coast of Louisiana. This region has witnessed some of the most catastrophic offshore accidents in U.S. history, such as Deepwater Horizon, in which 130 million poured into the Gulf of Mexico after an explosion.

Sensitive habitats line the Louisiana coastline, including wetlands and marshes, that are highly susceptible to oil-related damage. The Gulf is home to the Kemp's Ridley, the world's most endangered sea turtle species, and Rice's whales, the only baleen whales that live in Gulf waters. There are only an estimated 100 Rice’s whales remaining in our oceans. Scientists cautioned that pipelines endanger these vulnerable species.

Remote vehicles are still investigating the now closed First Mass pipeline – the potential source of contamination. Under the watchful eye of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the recovery effort continues to seek the extent of the damage. 

Learn more about the details of this environmental disaster on CBS News and the Washington Post

Latest negotiations to end plastic pollution fail to reach consensus

Empty and consumed plastic bottles representing plastic waste and pollution .

Talks to tackle the global plastic pollution crisis hit a wall after a week of negotiations in Nairobi, Kenya. This marks the third out of five rounds before countries are required to establish an international treaty that is bound by global law.

Through this treaty, the majority of governments hope to eradicate plastic pollution by slashing production and regulating hazardous chemicals on a worldwide scale. On the other hand, oil advocates continued to push for waste management and voluntary measures at the national level instead of sweeping global policies. Environmentalists slammed these oil-producing countries for stalling progress and watering down the agreement. 

“The science is very clear, the data is very clear, and the moral imperative is very clear,” said Graham Forbes, global plastics campaign lead at Greenpeace, to AP. “You cannot solve the plastic pollution crisis if you do not massively cut plastic production.”

Every year, the world generates around 430 million tons of plastics, which is set to triple by 2060. With the final draft due by the end of 2024, the stakes continue to rise with the plastic crisis.

Read more about the debates over the international plastic treaty at the Associated Press